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Ver ficha en IMDb Link permanente Puntuación IMDB 6. 6 Puntuación usuarios 7. 2 13 votos Votar Título original: Eulogy (, Reino Unido, Alemania) Género: Películas > Comedia / Drama Director: Michael Clancy. Duración: 91 minutos. Resumen: Tres gen...

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Era un po che non mi annoiavo piú cosí tanto. Non l'avevo mai guardato tutto e adesso so anche perché. Eppure l'ultimo bacio mi era anche piaciuto. I first watched this film for Italian class two years ago, and I was happy to re-watch it since I remembered liking it on the first time around. I had completely forgotten just how intense this film is. I can see why the characters would turn a lot of people off to the film, but I couldn't get enough of these people. I think every character in this film is really well drawn out and compelling, even when they are at their worst (and some of them really do go very low). I wish we knew more about the husband's ex-lover, since she was the character we knew the least about, and I wanted to know why she was so… Popular Lists TSPDT Starting List This list collects every film from the Starting List that became They Shoot Pictures Don't They's 1000 Greatest Films. This…

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L'avis de TéléLoisirs L\'île de Mako est un endroit mystérieux et enchanteur. Zac et Cam, deux adolescents âgés de seize ans, décident d\'y aller faire du camping. Pendant la nuit, la lune pleine et lumineuse dévoile une ouverture dans la roche qui intrigue Zac. Ce dernier va alors faire une chute spectaculaire qui va le rendre inconscient au fond d\'une grotte volcanique. Trois sirènes, chargées de surveiller les deux jeunes gens depuis leur arrivée, assistent à la scène. Sirena, Nixie et Lyla sauvent Zac de la noyade. Le lendemain, plus qu\'un nouveau jour c\'est une nouvelle vie qui commence pour Zac. I l s\'aperçoit des nouveaux pouvoirs qui l\'habitent. Non seulement il peut manipuler et contrôler l\'eau, mais de plus il se transforme en triton (équivalent masculin de la sirène) à son contact. Le clan des sirènes, se sentant en danger, quitte l\'île après avoir banni de leurs rangs Sirena, Nixie et Lyla. Ces dernières n\'ont pas d\'autre espoir que de récupérer les pouvoirs magiques de Zac si elles veulent retrouver leurs places parmi les leurs.

1996 Compartir Guardar Reparto: Julia Roberts, John Malkovich, George Cole (I), Reparto completo Género: Terror, Drama Director: Stephen Frears País: US Calificación: +12 Reparto Fotos BSO Información ofrecida por Sinopsis Mary es una sirvienta que trabaja al servicio del doctor Jekyll. La joven cree que ha conseguido un buen empleo, ya que el doctor es rico y muy conocido. Pero pronto descubrirá un terrible secreto.... Sinopsis completa Dónde y cuándo Jue A la carta Vie A la carta Sáb A la carta Dom A la carta Lun A la carta Mar A la carta Mié A la carta Parrila de programación Reparto Reparto completo Fotos Detalles técnicos color: Color duracion: 108 min. BSO Banda sonora instrumental compuesta por George Fenton Sinopsis completa - ¡Puede contener spoilers! Mary es una sirvienta que trabaja al servicio del doctor Jekyll. Pero poco a poco irá descubriendo un terrible secreto acerca de la personalidad de su amo. "Mary Reilly" está basada en la novela de Valerie Martin, que astutamente retoma la historia del Dr. Jekyll y Mr.

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Trama Enzo, Cico e Stefano sono tre fratelli. Enzo è un musicista di scarso livello mentre Cico è affetto da una strana forma di autismo e Stefano è ossessionato da un eccessivo senso di responsabilità. Cresciuti sin da piccoli senza un padre che ha preferito lasciarli, i tre si ritrovano ad affrontare la recente morte della madre, che ha lasciato loro una discreta eredità da spartire in parti uguali a patto che Enzo e Stefano si prendano cura per sempre di Cico. Note Toni e interpreti sono rodati: equivoci, giochi linguistici e gag sono più o meno centrati (per quanto scolastici), ma il senso del tutto annega nel vuoto circostante e nel dubbio che nonostante l'anima popolare del film, questo sia paradossalmente un prodotto per nessuno. Al tutto si aggiunge l'irrinunciabile happy end posticcio che non porta da nessuna parte e tramuta in fastidio la sensazione di vaga tenerezza che accompagna la visione. Vedi anche Migliori film commedia Migliori film del 2014 Migliori film italiani Recensioni La recensione più votata è negativa 22 ottobre 2014 di mm40 3 stelle Alla morte di un'anziana donna, tre fratelli napoletani sulla cinquantina si ritrovano a dover vivere insieme per poter ricevere l'eredità.

Está basada en la novela homónima de Clive Cussler. A pesar de ser una superproducción, sólo obtuvo las candidaturas al anti premio Premio Golden Raspberry a la Peor producción, al Peor guion y al Peor actor secundario. La película se convirtió en un desastre a nivel económico perdiendo 62 millones de euros (sobre la base de la inflación actual). [ 2] ​ Índice 1 Argumento 2 Reparto 3 Referencias 4 Enlaces externos Argumento [ editar] Durante la Guerra Fría, un grupo de estadounidenses con experiencia en reflotar barcos hundidos es contratado por el Gobierno de los Estados Unidos, para reflotar el famoso transatlántico RMS Titanic del fondo del Atlántico Norte. El Ejército de los Estados Unidos tiene información de que el transatlántico llevaba en su bodega una cantidad de un mineral que sólo existe en la Unión Soviética, y que puede ser usado para derribar misiles balísticos intercontinentales. Los soviéticos también están interesados en recuperar el mineral, alegando que les pertenece.

as Tom clapped back: 'Well I'm done, f**k this then! I'm f**king done'. He then stormed off shouting expletives at Ella as she watched him leave. What is the truth? Later, Ella and BFF Kelsey Stratford discussed the situation, with Ella admitting that she had listened to Chloe's voice note and had suddenly remembered the boy in question Spilling the beans: Ella confessed to Tom about giving the mystery lad her number at the beginning of last month, saying the two had only exchanged 'three or four messages' Taking to Twitter following the shock split, fans were quick to air their views, with many slamming Ella for betraying Tom. 'Wowwww I literally cannot deal with Ella she genuinely acted like the victim when Tom got upset about the fact she gave her number to someone at the beginning of the month and has been conversing with him. sometimes #towie makes me shout with my whole chest at the fkn TV!! ' tweeted one viewer. While another shared: 'Could see a country mile off that Ella didn't like Tom anyway the ICK was wrote all over her face in every episode.

The bears arrive to their cave, making Kate and Humphrey to go and hide. Back to the den, the pups decide to take the rescue mission upon themselves and leave the cave while everyone else is asleep. As they go looking for their parents, they meet up with Agnes (Elise Fisher) and Brent (Casey Simpson), the latter of whom was covered in snow while sleep-walking. They both agree to help the pups on the rescue mission. Meanwhile, Kate and Humphrey try to sneak out of the cave, but one of the bears (who sleep-walks like Brent) stops them from getting out. As the pups and the critters slide down a hill, King Slash (Edward Asner) has spotted them and is out for revenge, due to his rogue pack being destroyed following the events in the second movie. With Hench (Max Greenfield) being his only back-up, King charges for the pups, preparing to kill them. Stinky senses them coming closer and they all try to get away across the frozen pond. However, Brent falls through the ice and almost drowns. As the others try to get Brent out of the water, Claudette distracts Hench while King goes after Runt.

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