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Ver ficha en IMDb Link permanente Puntuación IMDB 6. 6 Puntuación usuarios 7. 2 13 votos Votar Título original: Eulogy (, Reino Unido, Alemania) Género: Películas > Comedia / Drama Director: Michael Clancy. Duración: 91 minutos. Resumen: Tres gen...

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I was going though the movies of Gary Busey at the time, who was being offered some good roles like Point Break (1991), The Firm (1993), and Drop Zone (1994). The film is a light-hearted comedy, similar to Major League (1989), but with a fantasy element. Although it fits into the children's film category, it can still be enjoyed by adults. Henry Rowengartner (Thomas Ian Nicholas) plays in the little leagues, but dreams of one day being a professional baseball player. An accident during one of his games means that he is out of action for a while, due to a broken arm. The accident is nevertheless a blessing of sorts, as his tendons heal too tight. He now discovers he has preternatural strength in this arm and, whilst going to see the Chicago Cubs he catches the ball and throws it back from the stands, all the way to the home plate. Henry is instantly hired by the club owners Bob Carson (Eddie Bracken) and Larry ''Fish'' Fisher (Dan Hedaya), despite doubts and concerns from his mother Mary (Amy Morton).

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